Saturday, November 6, 2010


For this project, I got to work with Coach designing handbags on-site during a one night event called "Fashion's Night Out" at Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills. Once a year, all the stores stay open late and have special events going on like ferris wheels and celebrity appearances. Coach hired me to hand-paint their tote bags!

All night long, I painted limited edition canvas totes that shopper's bought; with my own designs or customized for the shopper. It was nice collaborating with shopper's and seeing the smiles on their faces when they saw their customized bags. Also, the hors d'Ĺ“uvres were irresistible (and so were the cocktails, haha).

Thank you every one at the flagship store for hosting me and COACH for providing the lovely canvas's to work on!

gotta love the filligree

This woman had me draw a classic road bike to match her pink Colnago.

I made sure all the parts were there!

To see all the bags I did that evening, check out my flickr.
Photo cred: sheli! (thanks again, you rock)

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