So, I'm going to start this off again, now with a specific focus, my life! That of course is open to interpretation; it could include daily musings, documentation of adventures, opinions, pictographs, drawings, whatever.
Today, I am going to tell you about the last few adventures I've had. Brace yourself, henceforth there will be a lot of information (b)logged.
Last Monday (June 8th), I went bike camping with my housemates Deena and Ben and friend Erik for one night and one morning. We rode our bikes plus camping gear starting from my house in Santa Cruz at about 7 pm, to a state park called Sunset Beach, outside of Watsonville. The ride was about 15 miles there, but it seemed so much longer because of the strenuous hill climbing. We arrived around sunset and walked up to the beach cliff and watched the sun go down, twas lovely.
Highlights of the trip: doing my first "long" distance ride on fixed gear (all others on geared bikes), foraging for utensils in the garbage and scoring a working stove/grill lighter (one of those long red and black ones), delicious quinoa and veggie dinner and sausage sandwich for the omnivores, napping on the beach in the morning, and finding a confused baby seal on the beach and becoming it's friend.
On Sunday, me and the housemates minus Erik with the addition of Matt and Payton rode our bikes up highway 9 to a place called "The Garden of Eden" and the rope swing at San Lorenzo river. When we arrived at the rope swing, we found several clothed and unclothed 60 something year old's. One of them swung himself from the river bank into the water with the most energy I'd ever seen a 60 year old naked man produce! It was wild.
I must help my housemate work on his bike for a minute, brb. We just released a rusty seat post with a rusty pry bar, w00t.
As I was saying, we rope swung our hearts out and sunned ourselves silly, and it was a grand old time. It is adventures like these that really make me appreciate all the free time and friends I have at this time in my life.
I also made one of my first purchases off of etsy the other day.
This dress has leg holes.

Today, I finished a drawing I started yesterday for the Soulsticycle show on Saturday. I'm going to get in a car tomorrow morning and drive down to Los Angeles for the weekend, then I'm going to hang up my work on Thurdsay and who knows what else awaits me in the damned city where I'm from.
Here is that drawing:

1 comment:
i <3 your frog
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